Warm Wales is Working with Wales & West Utilities on the Warm Home Assistance Scheme; we identify households who could benefit from a connection to the gas network and assess their eligibility for a grant towards the cost.
A new gas connection can of be of real benefit to those with high heating bills and low income.
For many homes, a switch to a gas central heating system can play a major part in alleviating fuel poverty. Connecting to the gas network can improve the energy rating of the home and reduce energy bills significantly.
People wishing to benefit from a mains gas connection need to either live in an area identified by the government for support, live in a privately owned or rented property and be in receipt of qualifying benefits, or be in fuel poverty: whereby a high percentage of disposable income is spent on household fuel use.
We can help establish whether you are likely to qualify for a grant, Visit our gas connection page to find out more.