Here are the top 5 energy saving tips from Warm Wales, to help lower your bills.
These tips you can do yourself & don’t cost any money. Getting into these habits can see your energy bills lowering. Every small change you make can have a positive impact!

Taking shorter showers can help save you money whether you have an electric shower or a shower connected to your boiler. A 4 minute shower is the recommended time or use the song hack, which is taking a shower to the length of a 4 minute song.

The tumble dryer is one of the most expensive home appliances to run. Especially when the weather is good, drying your clothes outside can help you to save money. If the weather is unsuitable or you don’t have outdoor space to dry your clothes, try a clothes horse or a heated clothes rail. Both options have little to no cost especially in comparison to a tumble dryer.

Energy saving light bulbs do just that… save energy! Of course when leaving rooms you should turn the light off behind you but when you do need the light on, an energy saving bulb will cost less to use. This change will cost to buy the bulbs however, the saving will be worth it. If you prefer a yellow colour bulb compared to a bright white light, don’t worry energy saving bulbs come in that colour too!

If you have a spare room or maybe a room that isn’t in use for the whole period you have the heating on, turning the radiator thermostat down slightly can help to save money.
Make sure you’re not going cold, using, blankets, heated blankets & layers are a good way to help stay warm also.

You may think because your TV isn’t on that it isn’t using energy, but if it is on standby then it is still using some energy. Making sure to turn appliances off at the switch like kettles, toasters, chargers, TV’s etc, is a great way to save energy.
At Warm Wales we are here to support & advise householders on how to save energy. These energy saving tips can help you save money on your bills yourself and with little cost. The changes may be small but over the year these can be huge savings with money being able to go on the other things you need.
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