Carmarthenshire Eco Agents

Who can claim ECO Funding?
The aim of ECO Funding is to help those who are living in fuel poverty and vulnerable to the risk of living in a cold home, and whose house is energy inefficient in Carmarthenshire. Head to the ECO4 criteria page to see if you qualify for funding.
How to apply:
If you think you may qualify for ECO Funding, you can apply via one of the approved contractors listed below, based on what measure you would like to have installed.
Simply contact your chosen company with your details, they will ask you some questions and carry out a survey to decide if your home is suitable for energy efficiency improvements.
Please note: Warm Wales will not be accepting any ECO Funding related requests. If you would like to request funding or have any queries please direct them to one of the contractors listed below
List of known Eco-flex Agents operating in Carmarthenshire
*No Liabilities – Warm Wales involvement in the scheme is limited to vetting the applications and accept no responsibility or liability resulting from any negative consequence, damage or loss arising from the acceptance of an ECO FLEX grant. This includes efforts connected with the preparation, application, or survey prior to an installation or because of works delivered under the scheme. Warm Wales do not endorse any specific energy supplier, grant agent, installer or company connected to the application or installation of ECO flex grants or products. Any grievance or issue raised against grant works or application process, should be taken up with the installing party/agent/financier.
Before proceeding you must ask your contractor if the thermal insulation work is covered under the Competent Person scheme (CPS). If it is not, then we recommend that you contact Carmarthenshire Building Control before proceeding.